Search found 7 matches
- 2024-08-01, Thu, 15:35
- Forum: Reservations 2024
- Topic: 2024
- Replies: 0
- Views: 30053
Bine ați venit Dacă aveți nevoie de cazare pe perioada concursului IBIBO 2024, vă oferim un tarif preferential la hotel IBIS, București. Pentru a beneficia de această ofertă, apăsați [b]AICI[/b] pentru a descărca un formular format Word, completați-l și expediați-l pe adresa Hotel Ibis (adresa și i...
- 2017-03-16, Thu, 12:17
- Forum: HELP
- Topic: Official contact information
- Replies: 0
- Views: 56936
Official contact information
To contact IBIBO staff, please use the current year's email address. If the address you have does not contain the current year, it is an old address. To make sure you have the correct address, navigate to and select " Tournament Information ". The statement includes off...
- 2017-03-16, Thu, 12:09
- Forum: HELP
- Topic: I forgot my ...
- Replies: 0
- Views: 40544
I forgot my ...
Password? Use the Login link, then click "I forgot my password". Or just click HERE . A link to reset you password will be sent to your REGISTERED EMAIL (please check all if you have multiple addresses). Also, remember to check your spam folder . A recovery e-mail is typically sent within...
- 2016-03-15, Tue, 19:00
- Forum: HELP
- Topic: What's that shuttle thing in the Control Panel?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 40694
What's that shuttle thing in the Control Panel?
__ We have automated the requests for transport from the airport to the accommodation site. __ It's no surprise that transport can be tricky when many people fly into the country at different times. As a result, we set up a few fields in the Control Panel that you can fill yourself at any time, on ...
- 2016-03-15, Tue, 18:45
- Forum: HELP
- Topic: Why do I want an avatar?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 40521
Why do I want an avatar?
__ This registration system is tied into our shiny new IBIBO engine. Details here will be used by all services and features of both IBIBO and IDM Club, including the new smart badges that allow access to our VIP area and the scoring system that has enhanced information about each player, complete w...
- 2016-03-15, Tue, 18:24
- Forum: HELP
- Topic: How do I change my Full Name or IBIBO ID
- Replies: 0
- Views: 40706
How do I change my Full Name or IBIBO ID
__ Some of your details cannot be changed for security reasons. Your full name, IBIBO ID, gender (dictates handicap) and a few others are filled in by IBIBO staff and can only be changed by request. __ If you feel we are in error about your name, spelling or special characters, or, for any reason, ...
- 2016-03-15, Tue, 18:15
- Forum: HELP
- Topic: How do I change my password, email, avatar?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 40752
How do I change my password, email, avatar?
__ Password is part of the User Control Panel . Either click on your username on the top right corner or simply click the link entitled "Change Your Settings" in the middle of the home screen (Click the big IBIBO logo to get home). Change what you need there and remember to save all chang...